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Healthy Foods for Hospitals

How Hospitals Can Promote and Serve Healthier Food

When you think of hospital food, what comes to mind? Banana pudding? Stale bread rolls? Questionable casserole? Probably not anything you’d ever crave after you leave. Hospital food doesn’t have the greatest reputation.

Unfortunately, when you are suffering from an illness or injury, mealtime rarely provides any relief to your discomfort, and may even increase it. But when your medications demand you eat, there’s little you can do but cooperate if you want to get well soon.

Hospitals are also in a difficult position since they have to cater to a large number of people. Keeping food bland helps serve a wide range of individuals. Regardless of the patients who prefer strong spices or variations, hospitals are obligated to serve food that would avoid worsening any medical conditions or causing an immediate bad reaction.

Creative Ways to Have Healthier Hospital Foods 

With this in mind, there are things hospitals can do to ensure healthier foods are served at mealtime. The following are creative ideas to make this happen.

Be Intentional About It

If you are in a position of influential power in your medical community and hospital settings, be intentional about changing the game when it comes to food. Advocate and strategize to rebrand your hospital as one that prioritizes healthier eating. Both food and pharmacological technology are medical interventions essential to a patient’s road to recovery. 

Host a Farmer’s Market 

Show your community and the individuals you serve your new intentions to promote quality foods in your hospital by hosting a farmer’s market. Encourage your food services management and staff to participate and select fresh homegrown foods to incorporate into dishes. Have the menu highlight the seasonal fruits and vegetables chosen from the farmer’s market.

Replace Fast Food with Whole Food 

Fast food – in general, but especially in hospitals – are not in the best interest of the person consuming it. Fast food is known to contain higher amounts of calories and saturated fats, making pre-existing medical conditions like diabetes, obesity, heart disease and other chronic issues even worse. It’s better to provide small marketplace options with whole food items or minimally processed foods available. Supplying an on-site foods market, bakery, or small local eatery with keto-friendly, paleo, gluten-free and vegan food options encourages better health for anyone looking to grab a bite and avoid the negative consequences associated with fast foods. 

Support Local Fresh Food Distributors

Consider doing business with your local fresh foods distributor. These companies are experts at collecting and supplying high-quality, locally-sourced ingredients to feed large quantities of people. You’ll be supporting a local business while supplying better-quality fruits, vegetables and other food items to your hospital. 

Breaking the stereotype of hospital food being unhealthy and unpleasant might start a chain reaction with more effort to revolutionize how food is regarded and implemented in the hospital care setting.

Peddler’s Son Has What you Need

Peddler’s Son is the go-to farm-fresh food supplier for Arizona restaurants, hospitals, schools, and more. Family-owned and operated since 1988, Peddler’s Son brings you honest pricing, unparalleled customer service, and farm-fresh produce every day. We believe in quality and that’s what you’ll get when you rely on us to deliver high-value foods for your dishes. We put our food quality and reliable delivery service first along with the customers we serve all across the state. 

Contact us today to see how we can help you get the food you need delivered fresh and on time!

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How Foodservice Delivery Benefits Local Entrepreneurs

How Foodservice Delivery Benefits Local Entrepreneurs

As entrepreneurs ourselves, Peddler’s Son knows just how important it is to have community support. Our family-owned foodservice delivery company wouldn’t have flourished without the incredible support of our state-wide partners. Thankfully, we are positioned to reciprocate the support by offering our business services to local community entrepreneurs

Small businesses were hit hardest these last few years and there remains an ongoing effort to ‘go local’, especially when supporting family-owned restaurants. It’s why we’re taking time to highlight the importance of supporting our community entrepreneurs through our foodservice delivery.

Local Entrepreneurs’ Success Matters to Us

Starting a business is not something everyone has the guts to do. This is especially true when it comes to the restaurant industry.

Unfortunately, statistics show that a whopping 60 percent of restaurants are likely to fail during their first year and 80 percent within the first five years. Taking into consideration how much the restaurant industry abnormally suffered during lockdowns, supply chain issues, and government restrictions, the issue becomes even more serious. 

Local restaurant entrepreneurs that were hurt the most resulted in temporary and even permanent closures.

Strengthening Our Local Economy

When our community and state suffer economically, we all feel it. We are happy to serve and support our local farmers, restaurant owners, and other entrepreneurs who rely on dependable foodservice companies like ours.

Growing a company through the most challenging times is what sustains our community. Showing local entrepreneurs our support is a major reason we will always continue to help grow domestic brands. Our local economy is worth investing in through doing business with regionally owned restaurants and other community entrepreneurs.

Supporting Community Health

We work with residential farmers to provide restaurants and other foodservice establishments with locally grown fresh produce and ingredients. Using local foods to serve our community members offers numerous health benefits.

The greatest advantage you receive from eating food supplied by local area ranches and farms is the significant quality of nutrients available. Locally grown food tends to be fresher and more dense with nutrients.

Distributing these fresh community foods to our partners helps preserve their freshness and overall quality without losing their nutritional value. We maintain a wide stock of farm-fresh eggs, dairy products, grass-fed meats, seasonal fruits, and vegetables year-round. 

What Local Brands do We Support?

There are several local entrepreneurs we are proud to offer regular foodservice supply to. While the list continues to grow, we’re currently serving the following local Arizona businesses:

Our community depends on local food suppliers who are experienced and knowledgeable of how to connect them with the food they need to stay afloat. Supporting our community through ongoing foodservice needs put us in business several years ago. It has always been a company value that we continue to uphold in our daily operations and ongoing long-term relationships with local markets. 

We encourage everyone to go local and become a regular supporter within your community! 

Peddler’s Son is Arizona’s Top-Quality Food Supplier

Peddler’s Son is the go-to, farm-fresh food supplier for Arizona restaurants, hospitals, schools and more. Family-owned and operated since 1988, Peddler’s Son brings you honest pricing, unparalleled customer service and farm-fresh produce every day. 

We believe in quality and that’s what you’ll get when you rely on us to deliver high-value foods for your favorite dishes. We put our food quality and reliable delivery service first, along with the customers we serve all across the state. 

Do you need reliable, quality fresh foods for your restaurant, school or business? We can help! Contact us today to see how we can get you the food you need delivered fresh and on time!

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Thanksgiving Herbs and Spices

5 Thanksgiving Herbs and Spices with Amazing Health Benefits

Thanksgiving and Autumn weather wouldn’t be complete without a dash of nutmeg and cardamom. A large part of what makes this season so special are all the spices and foods we associate with the cooler temperatures. 

Chances are you won’t look at your spice rack the same after discovering these amazing health benefits found in some of the season’s favorites. Thanksgiving brings it all together on one table with herbs and spices to boost your immunity, strengthen your metabolism and so much more!

Health Benefits of Autumn Herbs and Spices 

Make these herbs and spices a part of your regular fall dishes and enjoy the bonus of improved overall health and vitality.

  1. Thyme — Avoid colds and the flu by adding more thyme to your diet. It’s been shown to reduce symptoms of bronchitis and is packed with vitamin C, potassium and manganese. These nutrients support healthy cells, reduce blood clot formation and help to strengthen your bones. 

Dish ideas: Thyme is a tasty flavor to add to your green beans, broccoli and squash and even pairs well with walnuts and fruit, like cherries and cranberries. Consider using dried or fresh thyme on red and white meats or even in your hearty stews and pastas.

  1. Cloves — Not only are cloves used as food preservatives, but they are rich in immune-boosting properties that include antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal and antiviral. 

A small amount of cloves can provide a rich and robust flavor to any dish or hot beverage. 

Dish ideas: Besides chai tea, cloves are a delightful addition to chicken dishes, savory  soups and mixed potatoes.

  1. Nutmeg — You know Thanksgiving is right around the corner when you have a difficult time finding nutmeg at your local grocery store. There’s something special about this spice that makes it a go-to for both flavor and for medicinal purposes. Studies show that nutmeg can relieve sore throats, reduce blood cholesterol levels, alleviate stomach and kidney disorders and more. This powerful anti-inflammatory spice is what gives pumpkin pie its classic warmth in flavor. 

Dish ideas: Besides pumpkin pie, consider combining nutmeg with your traditional sweet potato dishes, roasted root vegetables and even pureed soups.

  1. Rosemary — Rosemary has been shown to fight off both bacterial and viral infections. It carries powerful immune-boosting properties to prevent illness from the onset, reducing a full-blown attack to your overall health. 

Dish ideas: Rosemary is delicious in both sweet and savory dishes, especially those found on your Thanksgiving dinner table. Roasted turkey with rosemary and citrus is a timeless pairing. You can even use it with garlic or honey, depending on your sweet or savory flavor goals.

  1. Cinnamon —An iconic seasonal spice, cinnamon carries an amazing array of health benefits. Loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, cinnamon should be a regular supplement to your everyday diet. Cinnamon reduces blood sugar levels, protects against heart disease, increases sensitivity to insulin and even carries antiviral and anti-fungal components.

Dish ideas: Add cinnamon to your ice cream, whipped cream or any sweet dish to lower the effects of sugar spikes to your system. Cinnamon can also be enjoyed with bread dishes or  with roasted walnuts and pecans.

We hope these tempting spices and herbs inspire your culinary creativity this holiday season. Remember your health and vitality can be in your hands when you carefully select the ingredients to incorporate in the meals you eat. 


Peddler’s Son is Arizona’s Top-Quality Food Supplier

Peddler’s Son is the go-to farm-fresh food supplier for Arizona restaurants, hospitals, schools and more. Family-owned and operated since 1988, Peddler’s Son brings you honest pricing, unparalleled customer service and farm-fresh produce every day. 

We believe in quality and that’s what you’ll get when you rely on us to deliver high-value foods for your favorite dishes. We put our food quality and reliable delivery service first, along with the customers we serve all across the state. 

Do you need reliable, quality fresh foods for your restaurant, school or business? We can help! Contact us today to see how we can get you the food you need delivered fresh and on time!

5 Thanksgiving Herbs and Spices with Amazing Health Benefits Read More »


Top Pumpkin Health Benefits 

It’s pumpkin season and when most people think about pumpkins, they probably envision a warm pumpkin spice latte. However, besides this massive marketing of pumpkins, there’s so much more worth highlighting in its overall health benefits

Not only are pumpkins filling, keeping you feeling full for longer periods of time, they are packed with nutrients. Let’s dive into some of these major benefits to your health. 

Pumpkin: An Anti-inflammatory Superfood

Pumpkins are considered a major superfood and believe it or not, they’re actually an exceptional anti-inflammatory food. They are rich in carotenoids, especially in lutein, alpha-carotene and beta-carotene, along with other vitamins and minerals. These bioactive compounds actually play a critical role in our bodies. The antioxidant properties protect our body from oxidative damage, which may lead to degenerative diseases. Pumpkins help fight off the harmful effects of inflammation. 

Improved Gut Health

Proper gut health is extremely important. It helps your body digest the foods you eat, absorb nutrients, and function more efficiently in every possible way. If there is an imbalance in your gut biome, your immune system is compromised which could lead to hormonal problems and other health issues. Thankfully, pumpkins are full of fiber and other gut-healthy promoting qualities. 

Helps Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

Pumpkins contain the compounds, trigonelline and nicotinic acid, which help your body regulate insulin. This improves your blood sugar levels, helping relieve symptoms of Type 2 diabetes. Not only does your blood sugar see improvement when eating more pumpkins, but also your heart. Pumpkins are known to improve triglyceride levels, reducing the risk of heart disease while lowering blood pressure.

Prevents Cancer

Pumpkins are a wonderful food to incorporate to help reduce your risk of cancer. Several large population studies have found that those who have higher levels of carotenoids, including beta-carotene, which is found in abundance in pumpkins, have a lower risk for certain cancers including: lung cancer, skin cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, etc. 

Even pumpkin seed extract has been shown to potentially inhibit the growth of cancer cells. So next time you’re indulging in that pumpkin pie, think about how you’re also reducing your risk for cancer!.

Supports Skin Health

Pumpkins are especially rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which promote positive skin complexion by creating a protective barrier to UV damage from the sun. They also help improve your skin’s tone, texture and overall appearance. Pumpkins are a rich source of vitamin A, C and E, which allow your skin to remain well-nourished and protected against oxidative stress.

Pumpkins are for Every Time of the Year

Don’t limit your pumpkin intake to one season of the year, take advantage of the many benefits all year round. There are many canned pumpkin options, pumpkin seeds and seed oils to get your superfood intake any time of year. Your body and mood will improve with  this simple change to your diet.

Peddler’s Son is Arizona’s Top-Quality Food Supplier

Peddler’s Son is the go-to farm-fresh food supplier for Arizona restaurants, hospitals, schools and more. Family-owned and operated since 1988, Peddler’s Son brings you honest pricing, unparalleled customer service and farm-fresh produce every day. 

We believe in quality and that’s what you’ll get when you rely on us to deliver high-value foods for your favorite dishes. We put our food quality and reliable delivery service first, along with the customers we serve all across the state. 
Do you need reliable, quality fresh foods for your restaurant, school or business? We can help! Contact us today to see how we can get you the food you need delivered fresh and on time!

Top Pumpkin Health Benefits  Read More »

food supplier

Improve Your Relationship with Your Food Supplier

Cultivating a positive relationship with your food supplier is a must. 

Rank it right up there with your landlord, reliable babysitter, and mother-in-law. There are just some relationships you can’t risk burning bridges with. Although it can feel challenging with all the dual-sided logistics at play, it’s possible to navigate a successful business-to-business partnership.

Try implementing the following strategies today to improve your long-term relationship with your food supplier.

  1. Make NO assumptions – Don’t be afraid to double-check on your orders and communicate with clarity what you need, by when, and any other details you think are important. Let your supplier know what your expectations are ahead of time and upon delivery. Do your due diligence to inspect the accuracy of your delivery right away. 

Make sure whatever supply chain communication you are using is streamlined with clear and accurate information from both ends. Food safety, quality control, and your budget are on the line when bad communication fails to prevent avoidable mistakes. 

Feel free to share with your supplier how you measure acceptable and non-acceptable food deliveries, so they know ahead of time when meeting your regular inventory orders.

  1. Share Your Business Ideas That May Affect Them – Keep everyone you work with on the same page. This includes your food supplier. They shouldn’t be surprised to find out last minute you’ve chosen to downsize, expand, switch locations, or go out of business altogether. Keeping food suppliers in the loop is important. Have open and honest communication about your goals and plans for the near future and provide reminders along the way. 

For example, if you plan on opening a new restaurant and will require a food item that is in short supply or has raised its market costs, you can plan accordingly by communicating with your food supplier ahead of time. 

  1. Remain Personable – Remember that all business is humans helping other humans with the transaction of products and services. The human-to-human element is a crucial foundation of every business relationship. 

It can be easy to get caught up in the business management side of everything and lose touch with how you relate with those around you. Put your relationships first and you’ll likely find your business flourishes as a by-product. 

Your food supplier runs a business, but they are also people with names, families, dreams, and goals. Stay friendly and open to who they are and remain positive and humble for the best relationship outcome possible.  

  1. Always assume positive intentions – This goes with any business or personal relationship. When you jump to conclusions about bad intentions in whatever situation you’re in, it negatively affects your view of the person and harms any hope of maintaining a positive bridge between the two of you. 

This often occurs in emails or texting where it’s unclear how best to interpret messages. Regardless, if you always assume positive intent, you will keep your head clear and do your part to maintain healthy work relationships.

Peddler’s Son is Arizona’s Top-Quality Food Supplier

Peddler’s Son is the go-to farm-fresh food supplier for Arizona restaurants, hospitals, schools, and more. Family-owned and operated since 1988, Peddler’s Son brings you honest pricing, unparalleled customer service, and farm-fresh produce every day. 

We believe in quality and that’s what you’ll get when you rely on us to deliver high-value foods for your dishes. We put our food quality and reliable delivery service first along with the customers we serve all across the state. 

Want to get reliable quality fresh foods for your restaurant, school, or business? We can help! Contact us today to see how we can help you get the food you need to be delivered fresh and on time!

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immunity-boosting foods

What are the Best Immunity-Boosting Foods?

Whenever there’s the slightest hint of sickness, most people are quick to stock up on immunity-boosting foods and supplements. The thought of spending sick days in bed or at the local clinic is a good motivator to consume higher amounts of immunity-boosting fruits and vegetables.

What should you be stocking up on this fall? 

Here are some of the best tried and true immunity-boosting foods worth having in your pantry and fridge this season.

These Immunity Boosting Foods Help  Fight Seasonal Sickness

If you want to improve your immune system and prevent seasonal sickness, you need to feed your body with the right tools. The following grocery items are proven to help support your overall health while combating the threat of seasonal illness.

Broths —

There’s been quite some buzz around the topic of bone broth lately and for good reason. All types of broths are shown as beneficial to our body’s immune response. However, bone broth offers an additional benefit of collagen and the amino acids required for optimal health. Digesting these properties is shown to promote faster recovery, which is why soup is a must-have this season. 

Chicken soup in particular provides your body with the necessary fluids and electrolytes you need to replenish.

Garlic —

If you’re not already eating garlic then you’re missing out on its immediate health benefits. You’ll want to pick up this habit right away as part of your morning routine. It is a timeless natural cure people have been using for ages. Garlic acts as an antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal solution when ingested. It clears your bodily systems of all harmful contaminants. Even people suffering from acne often show a significant improvement when ingesting garlic regularly. It clears up all types of issues from the inside out by fighting infection. 

It’s not uncommon for individuals to chop fresh garlic with olive oil, lemon juice, and honey first thing in the morning. Taking one tablespoon on an empty stomach allows the garlic to purify your system and boost immunity to any infection trying to enter your body. It is used as a preventative treatment and a reliable remedy for anyone combating sickness. 

Fermented Foods for Gut Health

Eating foods rich in probiotics and prebiotics helps regrow your gut lining, tremendously improving your health. Loading up on yogurt, kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods equips you against various health threats. If you incorporate these types of food into your regular diet, you’ll be more likely to avoid the common colds and flus that are common in the fall and winter months.

Overall, being more mindful of what you eat and how it helps or hurts your body is important. Your health is worth protecting by implementing the best immune-boosting foods into your diet. Sugary, processed foods should be avoided when you desire to work alongside your body’s efforts to recover or prevent disease and infection. 

Peddler’s Son is Arizona’s Top-Quality Food Supplier

Peddler’s Son is the go-to farm-fresh food supplier for Arizona restaurants, hospitals, schools, and more. Family-owned and operated since 1988, Peddler’s Son brings you honest pricing, unparalleled customer service, and farm-fresh produce every day. 

We believe in quality and that’s what you’ll get when you rely on us to deliver high-value foods for your dishes. We put our food quality and reliable delivery service first along with the customers we serve all across the state. 

Want to get reliable quality fresh foods for your restaurant, school, or business? We can help! Contact us today to see how we can help you get the food you need to be delivered fresh and on time!

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Health Benefits of Edible Flowers and Leaves

Using edible flowers and leaves on culinary dishes is a wonderful way to embellish the flavor and appearance of a dish. We commonly associate flowers and leaves as part of a decorative arrangement reserved for offering to individuals on special occasions. There’s no doubt the majority of flowers and leaves are used to beautify our neighborhoods, communities, and dining room tables.

However, there is a special subsection of leaves and flowers that do not contain harmful toxins to our bodies. You might be surprised to discover how diverse the collection of edible plants is and how beneficial to our health they can be. Either way, your health may be improved by adding more flowers to your salad. 

The Main Benefits Edible Flowers and Plants Offer

Edible flowers and plants are packed with vitamins and minerals our bodies need every day to function properly.

Lavender – Lavender is widely recognized as having a calming and soothing effect. More importantly, lavender is packed with important nutrients. Vitamin A, calcium, and iron. You are most likely to see lavender in teas and drinks, but the leaves themselves are edible and can be added as a salad, soup, or smoothie topping.

Purslane – This variety of plant is the richest plant containing omega-3 fatty acids, a plant-based alternative to other sources like sardines and mackerel. Omega-3 fatty acids are shown to be highly beneficial in preventing various forms of heart disease including strokes, heart attacks, blocked arteries, etc. 

Roses – Roses are high in Vitamins A and E and have a nourishing effect on the body. 

They also contain metabolism-boosting compounds, while assisting the body with the removal of toxins. They have been shown to help with weight loss and skin disorders such as eczema and acne. Women will often use rosehip to treat disorders with their monthly cycle and digestive problems.

Dried Hibiscus – If you’re not already drinking hibiscus tea or incorporating this power flower into your diet, you should. Dried hibiscus is a good source of antioxidants and essential flavonoids that helps lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and improve your skin health.

Edible Orchids – Orchid blooms are safe to eat and the petals have a fresh taste similar to green leafy vegetables used in salads. They also serve as beautiful additions to cake decorations. Edible orchids are rich in Vitamin C, iron, calcium, potassium, and antioxidants. These vitamins and phytochemicals are necessary minerals to improve your immune system and overall vitality.

Edible flowers and plants are a fun and healthy way to revamp your menu and offer new and unique dishes for your guests. It can greatly complement your desserts and any special occasion you cater. Plant-based diets are on the rise as more people are opting for alternatives to meat-based products or highly processed foods and, thankfully, there are many great health benefits to consuming edible flowers and plants. 

Peddler’s Son is Arizona’s Top-Quality Food Supplier

Peddler’s Son is the go-to farm-fresh food supplier for Arizona restaurants, hospitals, schools, and more. Family-owned and operated since 1988, Peddler’s Son brings you honest pricing, unparalleled customer service, and farm-fresh produce every day. 

We believe in quality and that’s what you’ll get when you rely on us to deliver high-value foods for your dishes. We put our food quality and reliable delivery service first along with the customers we serve all across the state. 

Want to get reliable quality fresh foods for your restaurant, school, or business? We can help! Contact us today to see how we can help you get the food you need to be delivered fresh and on time!

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bacteria causes food recalls

What Causes Food Recalls?

Everyone relies on safe, quality food to serve their families, restaurant guests, hospital patients, school children, and anyone else without fear of contamination or expiration. Bad quality food isn’t just unpleasant to consume, but when seriously compromised, may lead to food poisoning, lawsuits, or both.  

In an attempt to protect the public health of Americans, food recalls are issued. If you are in the food service industry or just a concerned consumer, it’s important to stay informed on how food recalls work; what they are, what causes them, and how to shop smart.

What is a Food Recall?

A food recall occurs whenever a food producer removes the product from eligible sales at grocery stores or wholesale food service providers. The produce or processed food item is pulled off the market for a serious reason. The reasons vary but stem from evidence leading producers to believe their food items are compromised in some way that would lead to negative health effects on consumers. 

Some common reasons for a food recall include:

  • Identifying bacteria or parasites
  • Discovering broken glass, metal, or other foreign objects 
  • Finding any allergen not listed on product labeling
  • Misbranded or mislabeled

Paying close attention to food recalls protects the public from serious outbreaks of E. Coli, Salmonella, or anything else that could result in detrimental consequences. For example, more than 28,000 pounds of beef were recalled at the beginning of 2022. This type of recall has the potential to affect countless individuals who unknowingly consume contaminated meat.

How to Manage Food Recalls

Managing a food recall starts by staying informed with the latest information regarding foods being pulled from the shelves. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration provides a search index with over a thousand food items currently on the recall list. You can also sign up for alerts and check their website for current information. 

Remove and clean area — If your home or place of food service business has a recalled item, you need to clear the item from your refrigerator, freezer, or pantry right away. If you’ve opened and used utensils on the product (e.g. contaminated ground beef), you need to throw out the recalled food item, and thoroughly clean with a sanitizing solution and hot, soapy water anything in contact with the recalled food item. Clean all counters, cookware, cutting boards, refrigerator shelves, or anything else to ensure the removal of any harmful residue from the food.

Return and inform others — Some stores accept returns for recalled food items. You should also inform your team members and anyone else you work with that may have received or handled the recalled items in any way. 

Food recalls are important alerts to protect the public health of our families and society. There are many different reasons they develop. However, you can make an effort to stay informed and take action when you discover a recalled food item in your home or place of business. Prevention is better than managing the severe consequences that come when it’s too late.

Peddler’s Son is Arizona’s Top-Quality Food Supplier

Peddler’s Son is the go-to farm-fresh food supplier for Arizona restaurants, hospitals, schools, and more. Family-owned and operated since 1988, Peddler’s Son brings you honest pricing, unparalleled customer service, and farm-fresh produce every day. 

We believe in quality and that’s what you’ll get when you rely on us to deliver high-value foods for your dishes. We put our food quality and reliable delivery service first along with the customers we serve all across the state. 

Want to get reliable quality fresh foods for your restaurant, school, or business? We can help! Contact us today to see how we can help you get the food you need to be delivered fresh and on time!

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Arizona Schools provide lunch for students

Food Requirements for Arizona Schools

Welcome to August!  School is now in session for many Arizona schools and certain food requirements are mandatory.  Eating nutritious foods has never been more paramount than considering ways to improve public health after a global pandemic.  Plus, it’s key for helping to reduce childhood obesity and support a healthier lifestyle starting from a young age.

Arizona’s Department of Education moved quickly to re-evaluate food requirements for Arizona Schools in 2020, resulting in new standards for what is served at breakfast and lunch times across the state.  For example, The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, was developed to ensure kids of all ages are getting a mandatory serving of immunity-boosting fruits and vegetables at each meal. 

Let’s take a closer look at current school food serving requirements.

Arizona Schools Menu Requirements

Most of our states’ schools participate in the, Child Nutrition Program, outlining specific guidelines around which foods are allowed and which are prohibited.  While some Arizonan schools follow the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs which are held to strict requirements as well. 

However, all school menus are meant to incorporate both healthy and appealing foods for our children. Students need to have an interest in what’s on the menu, as well as, the benefit of a highly nutritious item.  As every parent knows, if it doesn’t taste good, your child won’t eat it.

Here’s what is required for Arizona school menus:

More fruits and vegetables – Offering larger portions and more variety of fruits and vegetables helps encourage students to eat healthier.  Vegetables must include options of legumes, dark green, red or orange vegetables.  Each school breakfast must provide students with a full cup of fruits or vegetables.  At lunch, students are required to have at least one half-cup serving of fruits or vegetables on their plate with each school meal.

Whole grains – Only whole grains will be provided.  No other type will be offered as an alternative.

Unhealthy fats – Meals cannot contain added trans-fat and no more than 10% of calories can come from saturated fat. 

Low-fat and fat-free milk – Every school meal must offer students one cup of fat-free or 1% milk options. 

Schools are also enforcing various calorie limits per academic level (Elementary, middle and high school) to help control and regulate caloric consumption. 

Be Patient with Unexpected School Menu Changes

With the increased cost of food and supply chain shortages, many schools face increased challenges finding what they need within their budget and nutritional requirements they must adhere to. . It is not uncommon for nutritional management to make unexpected adjustments to the menu without enough time to send an update on what’s for breakfast or lunch.  Schools may need to swap food items or change what to serve on which days.  We must be patient with school nutrition professionals who are seeking the best ways to ensure all state requirements are met, while providing delicious and nutritious foods within budget and supply chain availability. 

Peddler’s Son is Arizona’s Top-Quality Food Supplier

Peddler’s Son is the go-to food supplier for Arizona restaurants, hospitals, schools and more.  Family-owned and operated since 1988, Peddler’s Son brings you honest pricing, unparalleled customer service and farm-fresh produce every day.   We believe in quality and that’s what you’ll get when you rely on us to deliver high-value foods for all your dishes.  We put our food quality and reliable delivery service first, along with the customers we serve all across the state. 

Want to get reliable quality fresh foods for your school or business?  We can help! Contact us today to see how we can help you get the food you need delivered fresh and on-time!

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