Resources - Trusted Since 1988

The following specific requirements must be maintained by all vendors. 

HACCP Compliance

HACCP is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product. HACCP is important because it prioritizes and controls potential hazards in food production. By controlling major food risks, such as microbiological, chemical and physical contaminants, the industry can better assure consumers that its products are as safe as good science and technology allows. Source

The Safe Quality Food Program

Audited yearly by the Safe Quality Food Institute, a third-party certification body. The Safe Quality Food Institute (SQFi) is a rigorous and credible food safety and quality program that is recognized by retailers, brand owners, and food service providers world-wide. Recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), the SQFi family of food safety and quality codes are designed to meet industry, customer, and regulatory requirements for all sectors of the food supply chain – from the farm all the way to the retail stores.


The Peddler’s Son on-boarding process consists of vendors providing the following resources:

Certificate of Insurance

A certificate of insurance is a document used to provide information on specific insurance coverage. The certificate provides verification of the insurance and usually contains information on types and limits of coverage, insurance company, policy number, named insured, and the policies’ effective periods.

Letter of Guarantee

A letter of guarantee is a type of contract issued by a bank on behalf of a customer who has entered a contract to purchase goods from a supplier. The letter of guarantee lets the supplier know that they will be paid, even if the customer of the bank defaults.

SQFi Certificate

Organizations that have HACCP in place will need to design, document, and implement the SQFi food safety management system processes before becoming SQFi Certified.

SQFi Audit Report

SQFi requires food safety management system processes and procedures to manage all aspects of food safety throughout the business. SQFi will guide you through setting up a comprehensive safety management system in each facility. Passing an audit results in a certificate and earns the facility the right to be SQFi certified.

Approved Supplier Questionnaire

The Peddler’s Son approved supplier questionnaire is an assessment of your food safety audit ensuring that you have passed and summarized all touch points given through the third-party audit.

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