What To Expect in July 2020 for Produce

July Produce

Produce production this July 2020 has been fluctuating due to the COVID-19 impacts. Below are the reports for a few of the market updates based on Alerts and Good productions. Source Produce Alliance.

July Produce Alerts


Volumes on asparagus are currently limited, but markets have come down slightly from last month’s spike. The U.S. crop out of Michigan is hampered by labor issues at packhouses due to COVID-19. 

Brussel Sprouts

Brussels Sprout supplies will be short this month; however, growers are expecting better supplies the following month. Growers are reporting quality to be good to excellent and there is a good demand for Brussels Sprouts at this time.


The domestic season has begun with a major obstacle. Growers have battled very low yields due to early rains in the growing cycle and are currently challenged with a labor shortage, leaving some fields unharvested. The labor shortage could potentially become an on-going issue throughout the domestic deal.


Celery supplies will be short for this month. The current harvest is going through a small supply gap. Good to fair quality has been reported by multiple growers at this time. Additionally, there has been a higher demand for Celery this month.


Supplies continue to be light with Cilantro for this month. Growers are expecting better supplies next month. Good quality has been reported by multiple growers and there is a good demand for Cilantro this month.


Similarly to last month, growers out of the East and West are reporting extremely tight supplies on corn. Production out of the West Coast isn’t sufficient to cover demands. Price is not a factor right now. The problem is that growers can’t fill orders. Please give shippers extra order loading lead times so that they can work to secure products to fill your orders and expect order cuts going forward. 

Chinese Garlic

Chinese garlic is on alert due to Coronavirus affecting labor and also ports allowing

product out of China. We anticipate this to remain and also continue to add pressure on garlic prices until the virus is contained. The overall outlook continues to look worse as more and more time passes and imported products are cut short. 

Green Beans

Green beans are on high alert. Heavy rain in Georgia and the Midwest has affected the green bean crop causing delays in harvesting. The colder weather has also pushed back the start date for harvesting out of the Midwest. This is causing a gap during a transition period resulting in low availability of green beans. Product quality could also take a hit. This is expected to last for a few more weeks.


The domestic season has begun with a major obstacle. Sizing has leaned towards larger size leaving 6/8 ct dews very limited. Growers have battled very low yields due to early rains in the growing cycle and are currently challenged with a labor shortage leaving some fields unharvested. The labor shortage could potentially become an ongoing issue throughout the domestic deal.

Romaine Lettuce

Romaine supplies continue to be very short this month. Growers are hoping to see an improvement with supplies next month. Growers are experiencing lighter yields at the time of harvest due to quality. Some fringe burn and internal quality issues due to the warmer weather in Salinas, California.


We have seen some pressure on price over the past three weeks and are beginning to see certain sizes more limited and increase in price. Market alert on oranges as pricing has been escalated. Valencia’s have begun and will continue throughout the summer period. Navels will stay available throughout the summer but trend on the larger size until volumes return in MId October.

Green Peppers 

Green Pepper pricing worked its way up last month and continued working up this month. Production is in transition to different growing areas right now. This is putting pressure on supplies and costs.

Yellow and Red Peppers

Elevated pricing on Color Peppers due to tighter than normal supplies this month. Production is in transition to different growing areas right now. This is putting pressure on supplies and costs.


There has been a big turn in the outlook for the summer months with Strawberries. Production numbers are limited due to weather in growing regions back in May. In addition, there are still some spotty labor issues and also some fields on their last legs providing processor quality berries at best. 

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